Knox County
Sheriff's Office

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Knox County
Sheriff's Office

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The Knox County Sheriff’s Digital Communications Unit (DCU) was newly re-branded from the “radio shop” under the Technology Unit in January of 2019.    As a member of TVRCS, and now TACN, KCSO has the capability to be connected to agencies across the state for major events or disasters.

Our Work

DCU’s main responsibilities include purchasing, programming, and maintaining KCSO radios. They are also engaged in the installation and maintaining of radio equipment in buildings, vehicles, boats and helicopters. The DCU works hand in hand with neighboring agencies and E911 in the spirit of inter-operability to ensure the safety of first responders.

Working with the most advanced communications equipment, the DCU is able to keep our officers in contact with one another throughout the county.  Providing for quick, safe, and effective responses.

DCU has an updated workshop to allow for updates, repairs, and programming for all of our communication needs.  From personal handheld radios to in car systems, DCU keeps our equipment working smoothly and efficiently.

**If this is an emergency or if you are in need of police response, please call 911**

Send DCU A Message

In car two way radio

Send DCU A Message

**If this is an emergency or if you are in need of police response, please call 911**

Sheriff Tom Spangler

Knox County Sheriff's Office

Knoxville, TN

Tom Spangler, Sheriff