Knox County
Sheriff's Office

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Knox County
Sheriff's Office

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Special Operations 
Response Team

In Omnia Paratus



The Mission of the Knox County Sheriff’s Office Special Operations Response Team (S.O.R.T.) is to provide a highly trained special Operations Unit that will respond to and eliminate elevated security situations within the Knox County Corrections System or incidents deemed necessary by the Sheriff or his designee.

                S.O.R.T. is an on call team that is able to deploy to a location within minutes of notification, then be able to quickly and efficiently eliminate any security problem, control any situation necessary and contain any threat with minimum injuries to officers, inmates and/or the general public. Those responsibilities include, but are not limited to: riot control, cell extractions, facility recovery, close security administrative search inspections, mass inmate movements, hostage recovery, courtroom security, high risk transports, lost/fleeing subject search, subject apprehension, servitude and execution of warrants.


What We do

S.O.R.T. Activity for 2019

Total Missions

22 Missions 12 High Risk Transports 6 High Security Court Detail 2 Searches for Lost Persons 1 Detention Area Search 1 Civilian Protest


Skills Developed & Enhanced




Contact SORT

The Knox County Special Operations Response Team would love to hear from you.  Feel free to contact us for any information or comments you may have.

**If this is an emergency or if you are in need of police response, please call 911**

Sheriff Tom Spangler

Knox County Sheriff's Office

Knoxville, TN

Tom Spangler, Sheriff